When I was a kid, I had a collection of Trolls – funny little plastic figures with wild hair. One sat on top of my pen for years. I’ve always liked them. But nowadays, online trolls are pure evil. So virulent are Twitter trolls, the counter movement #BeKind has evolved. It’s all too easy to gob off online - a few late-night beers, and from the comfort of your own sofa, nastiness can wing its way into the life of some poor sod you’ve never met. It’s no good saying, ‘but they’re famous’ as a defence. That’s like saying people are asking for it. It horrifies me how personal some of the comments are. Women are slammed for being too fat, too thin, too old, having too much Botox, being frumpy or too sexy. We can’t win. Parenting styles are vilified. Often these comments are from other women. Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can break your spirit. Verbal bullying can be worse than ph...